Weather Station

Nordic Thingy:52 + nRF52840-Preview-DK + E-PAPER = Weather Station

How to make it work:

To make it work you should have:

2017-11-12 – Description update

The current source code and hex files are not working with newer S140 versions. Please use version of S140 SoftDevice. Thanks to ToasTer86 for finding that out.

2017-11-04 – Source Code updated (link is the same:

  • negative temperatures corrected
  • temperature displayed with one decimal place

Unfortunately the negative temperatures are always shown with 0 at decimal place (that’s because Thingy:52 sends negative temperatures that way)


  1. Solder all BOM elements on E-Paper PCB
  2. Solder two holders to E-Paper PCB
  3. Stick somehow the E-Paper to that PCB (I used double sided adhesive tape)
  4. Set the name of your Thingy:52 to “Thingy” (using Nordic Thingy Application)
  5. Set the “Advertisement timeout” of your Thingy:52 to 180 s (using Nordic Thingy App)
  6. Set “nRF Power Source” switch (on nRF52840-Preview-DK) to VDD
  7. Set “VEXT->nRF” switch (on nRF52840-Preview-DK) to OFF
  8. Set “TRACE” switch (on nRF52840-Preview-DK) to OFF
  9. Set “nRF ONLY | DEFAULT” switch (on nRF52840-Preview-DK) to DEFAULT
  10. Upload the S140 SoftDevice to nRF52840-Preview-DK (using nRFgo application)
  11. Open, compile and upload WS_PRG to nRF52840-Preview-DK (using Keil uVision)
  12. Connect the E-Paper PCB to arduino connector of nRF5284-Preview-DK
  13. Connect the power source to nRF5284-Preview-DK by “nRF USB” connector
  14. Turn on the Thingy:52

After finishing all steps, the weather station should start working. The main board is connecting by Bluetooth to Thingy:52 board every two and half minutes to get sensor data (that’s why we set Advertisement timeout of Thingy:52 to 180 s, to make it not go to sleep between measurements).

After getting the weather data, the E-Paper displays the measurements.

If you have any problem with running that project or found any error, feel free to e-mail me or just write a comment.

The project of E-Paper PCB is available at

Here you have some video form working weather station: