Charter tool – v 1.1

Charter is a tool that helps to read information form datasheet or any document chart.

Here you can download it:

Charter v1.1 2017-09-07

Watch the presentation:

Here are some instructions.

Capturing the screem

  • Double click on tray icon or…
  • Right click on tray icon, and select ‘Capture’

Switching the screen (if you have many monitors)

  • press ‘s’ key

On screen help

There’s instructions about current mode in the right top corner of captured screen.

  • right click on captured screen and selecting ‘Show help’ – shows or hides instructions

Defining axes

  • right click on screen and ‘X axis -> Mark’ starts to marking X axis
  • right click on screen and ‘Y axis -> Mark’ starts to marking Y axis

After that you have to press and hold left mouse button on the beginning of the X or Y axe (well it don’t have to be beginning of axe, just point with known value).

If you already defined another axis and you want to start your axis in beginning or end of previously defined axis, you should press and hold ‘shift’ key before pressing left mouse button.

Then you have to move your mouse to end of axe (or another point of known value of axis).

  • hold ‘shift’ key to make axis parallel to screen borders

X axis can be parallel only to top and bottom border, Y axis can be parallel only to left and right border.

Setting values on beginning and end of defined axe

  • left click on beginning or end of axis value – sets new value
  • press ‘enter’ to accept new value

Switching between linear and logarithmic axis

  • right mouse click on the screen and select ‘X axis -> Log axis’ or ‘Y axis -> Log axis’ sets linear or logarithmic axis

Of course if you have logarithmic axis, then you cannot have 0 or negative value at beginning or end of axis. Before you make axis logarithmic, set proper axis values.

Show or hide axes

  • right click and select menu ‘Show axes’

Cropping screen to show only chart

  • right click and ‘Crop chart’

Set two opposite corners of rectangle to crop by clicking and holding left mouse button on first point, and then drag mouse to another point, and then release.

Saving chart

  • right click on captured screen and select ‘Save chart’

You can save chart with ‘.chart’ extension. It will save the captured screen and also the defined axes and values.

Loading chart

  • right click on tray icon and select ‘Load chart’ or …
  • double click on file with ‘.chart’ extension

Exporting chart

  • right click on captured screen and select ‘Export chart’

You can export current chart as ‘.bmp’ or ‘.png’ file.

Closing program

  • right click on tray icon and select ‘Close’

That’s all main functions of program. If you want help, don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail or in comments below.

3 thoughts on “Charter tool – v 1.1

  1. PS. Chyba używasz jakiejś starej wersji Word Pressa, gdzie zabezpieczeniem przed atakami jest konieczność podania jako hasła/loginu “jestem”/”człowiekiem”, żeby dodać komentarz. Komentarze i tak są moderowane, więc pozwoliłem sobie poinformować tą drogą.
    Pozdrowienia z E+H.:)

    1. Hej, dzięki za info. Szczerze mówiąc to trochę nie ogarniam 🙂 Właśnie się zorientowałem że mam jakieś komentarze :).

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